1st Annual Round Dance a Success!

The Forest County Potawatomi came together and held their 1st Annual Round Dance on Feb. 25, 2023, at the Potawatomi Community Center, and what a night it was!

Newly-Elected FCP Chairman Is Sworn In

Surrounded by family and community, newly-elected FCP Chairman James A. Crawford was sworn in by Chief Judge Christian D. Daniels on Feb. 13, 2023, in the FCP Tribal Courtroom.

Grand Re-Opening of Museum Exhibit

After a few rescheduled dates, the Forest County Potawatomi Cultural Center, Library & Museum finally had their grand re-opening of the museum exhibit on Jan. 26, 2023, for tribal members and on Jan. 27, 2023, for the general public.


Ngom bgéji ntages epich nebyégeyan Bemwédekben ga mbot. Today, sadly, I write about the passing of one of our most revered elders, James Thunder, Sr.

Community Center Christmas Party 2022

The annual FCP Community Christmas Party was held Dec. 17, 2022, at the Potawatomi Community Center. This was open to FCP tribal members, descendants and their families.

Elder’s Coffee Talk

Great food and company were had at the weekly Elder’s Coffee Talk session held on Oct. 19, 2022, at the Potawatomi Community Center.

Swine, Dine & Dash

It was a beautiful fall day for the 2022 Swine, Dine & Dash held on Oct. 8 at the Bodwéwadmi Ktëgan. The event was sponsored by FCP Health & Wellness Center Community Health and was open to FCP tribal members and their families.