FCP Community Facebook Live Session Recap – Jan. 6, 2020
Happy New Year, Forest County Potawatomi! Thank you all for tuning in to our first Facebook update of 2021. I am Ned Daniels, Jr., Chairman of the Forest County Potawatomi.
Happy New Year, Forest County Potawatomi! Thank you all for tuning in to our first Facebook update of 2021. I am Ned Daniels, Jr., Chairman of the Forest County Potawatomi.
On Dec. 19, 2020, the Forest County Potawatomi (FCP) Recreation Department in collaboration with FCP Education, CHOICES, and Community Advocacy devised a new way for the tribal children to see Santa this year and receive a gift from him.
The Traveling Times traditionally includes an end-of-year spread highlighting all the events of the year with photos.
Forest County tribal members and sisters Makenna and Abi Winnicki have something to celebrate with their Hodag girls swim team:
On Nov. 2, 2020, the newly-elected officials of FCP Executive Council were sworn in.
Good morning. Thank you all for tuning in. My name is Ned Daniels Jr. and I am Chairman of the Forest County Potawatomi Community.
Saturday, Sept. 26, 2020, was an historic day for the Forest County Potawatomi (FCP). This date marked the election of only the second ever Chief Judge to serve in FCP’s Tribal Court.
Chairman Ned Daniels Sr. Good morning. Thank you all for tuning in today. I hope that everyone watching this is happy, healthy and doing everything you can to enjoy the summer.
Good morning. Thank you all for tuning in this week. I want to begin our update today by reminding everyone to continue to do their part by practicing common sense and using proper hygiene.
Good morning. If I seem a little giddy today, it’s because I’m very happy. Things are continuing to move in a positive direction. And each week, we are receiving more good news.