How do I modify my Child Support Order?
Every case within FCPC-TCSA is eligible for a review every 33 months. If any party believes there is a substantial change is circumstances (Ex. change of custody/placement of child(ren), change in income (CP/NCP), etc., age of majority), the following will be required:
- Complete review request and submit to FCPC-TCSA along with verification of the change.
- Case Specialist assigned will review the request and be in contact with parties within 5 business days of receiving the request.
- If parties are in agreement, FCPC-TCSA will prepare Stipulation to be signed and presented for Tribal Court’s approval within 5 business days of agreement.
- If parties are NOT in agreement, FCPC-TCSA will schedule for hearing for Tribal Court’s determination within 5 business days from the Tribal Court date.
*Any party wishing for a change in Custody/Placement MUST SUBMIT TO TRIBAL COURT the appropriate form necessary for this action. FCPC-TCSA is not involved in determination of custody/placement matters.